In this modern world, our contact with the Earth’s life sustaining magnetic field is minimal. This creates electrical imbalances in the body, including a lack of needed electrons. Grounding or earthing can help to restore the body’s electric capacity and defenses.
If you have ever walked barefoot on the beach or laid in the grass, you have experience with grounding. However, there are a wide variety of physical grounding techniques!
What is Grounding?
Grounding, also called earthing, means that your skin comes into contact with the Earth, either directly or through a conductive material. The most common grounding exercise is to walk barefoot on grass, sand, or dirt.
Our bodies are electrical. Reconnecting to the Earth’s magnetic field can help us “reset,” return to the present, or even heal.
The body naturally produces some free radicals. Still, factors like aging, disease, or an unhealthy lifestyle can cause free radical production to kick into high gear. The more free radicals you have, the faster your body and its cells may break down.
The Earth is like a giant battery, full of free electrons. By coming into direct contact with the Earth, your body will absorb electrons from the Earth. This can help to offset any electrical deficiency in your body.
What Can Grounding Do For Me?
How to Implement Grounding in your Lifestyle
Since there are so many benefits to grounding, it might be worth adding to your wellness regimen or self-care routine.
Option #1
If the weather is nice, enjoy and explore the outdoors. Remove your socks and shoes, and let your bare feet connect with the earth below. Walk around or sit in a chair with your feet touching the ground. Some grounding experts even say you should wet the soil for greater benefits.
Aim to incorporate at least 30 minutes of Grounding every day. If possible, it’s best to use grounding to “reset” yourself multiple times throughout the day. Use the time to listen to music, focus on your breathing with deep breath exercises, or simply just be one with your thoughts and feelings.

Try mental grounding techniques. Acknowledge five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you hear, two things you smell, and one thing you taste. Focus on the physical sensations of your body in the present moment.
Option #2
Invest in a grounding device. Grounding devices connect to a grounding rod or wire buried outside or a grounded electrical outlet inside the home. These devices are available as sheets, mats, and beds. You can sit or rest on the device or even place a grounding mat on your work desk.
Option #3
The Earth naturally produces a frequency of 7.83 hertz, which some call the Earth’s “heartbeat.” You can use your Pulse PEMF device to mimic that frequency, regardless of the weather!
If you have a solid state device, set the Pulse Rate to 7.8, and turn the Strength to a comfortable level. Whole body application is best to mimic the grounding experience, so use the Bed Pad or Chair Pad if possible.
For mechanical or spark gap Pulse PEMF devices, turn the dial until you can barely feel the Pulse. A fast ticking sound indicates you are pulsing near a 7.8. Use our various accessories to customize your session.
Grounding is an easy way to help restore balance to the body. There are many different grounding techniques you can use, and almost anyone can do it. Just like regular PEMF usage, the benefits are limitless If you introduce grounding into your routine, let us know your results at