The idea of using magnets and electricity to benefit the human body has existed for many centuries. In the mid-1800s, people started looking into PEMF to assist the body’s natural ability to heal bone fractures. It was in the 1950s that scientists seriously began to look into the effects of PEMF on the body.
Let’s look at who Nikola Tesla was and how his pioneering work led to many of the modern conveniences we enjoy today.
The Life of a Technological Genius
Nikola Tesla was born in July 1856 in the part of the world now known as Croatia. His mother, though unschooled, excelled at creating tools and mechanical objects. Tesla gave credit to her for his creative talents and his photographic memory.
Tesla's Inventions
AC Current ( Alternating Power)
Tesla Coil

Magnifying Transmitter

Today, we see the usage of this technology in things such as the wireless charging of cell phones and tablets.
Radio and Radio Controlled Devices
Hydroelectric Power Generator

Tesla and PEMF
Tesla was a proponent of pulsed magnetism and was fascinated by the ability to pass electricity through the body.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”
“Our entire biological system, the brain, and the Earth itself work on the same frequencies. If we can control that resonate system electronically, we can directly control the entire mental system of humankind.”
In 1882 he discovered the rotating magnetic field, and to this day, a unit of measurement for the strength of a magnetic field is known as the tesla (T). The gauss (G) referred to in PEMF is simply a much weaker magnetic field than tesla.
Tesla’s discovery of the rotating magnetic field, the widespread usage of Alternating Current in our homes, and other technology based on his inventions has truly allowed technological advancement to be made. Tesla should be considered one of the pioneers of modern PEMF usage.
For more information, please visit What is PEMF? or visit Pulse PEMF Machines and Accessories to learn more about our entire line of PEMF devices. You can also reach us by calling 888-952-7030 or emailing us at