Danielle Kalmbach is the owner and CEO of Jolt PEMF Lab. We interviewed Danielle to find out how she integrated Pulse PEMF into her beautiful facility in Scottsdale, AZ.

Why did you add Pulse PEMF into your wellness practice?
After experiencing Pulse PEMF systems, I immediately felt an increase in energy and vitality. I knew introducing it to others could make a difference in their lives. So I made it the foundation for my wellness business, Jolt PEMF Lab.
What benefits do your clients experience?

Do clients like the Pulsing experience?
Some come twice a week, while others come three, four, five, or even six days per week. The five and six-day-per-week clients buy our unlimited package. We even have maintenance programs, and people buy those packages to stay at their optimal energy level. We provided 650 PEMF sessions last month which is very typical for us.
How many PEMF systems do you have in your office?
Do you offer any other services in your business?
PEMF is our primary modality, but we stack it with two biohacks in addition to the PEMF device. Those are red light therapy and inhaled hydrogen. PEMF is the focus and foundation of every session.
Jolt is a licensed Pulse Center and participates in Pulse's Human Advisory Board. How would you describe those experiences?
What is the role of Pulse's training in your practice?
What else plays a role in the success of your business?

Follow Jolt PEMF Lab or visit their website for more information.
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