When a person experiences a physically uncomfortable sensation, they generally have the control to immediately make adjustments to reduce the discomfort. However, an animal may not have the same ability or freedom to minimize discomfort they experience.
When using PEMF on animals, we should always be mindful that the intensity they experience differs greatly from humans. Adjusting the intensity for animals takes both time and patience. However, the effort is worth it to ensure the session is effective and comfortable.
Human vs. Animal Sensitivity
Humans rely on their minds and critical thinking abilities for everything they do, which can disconnect them from their bodies. This allows them to ignore what their bodies might be telling them, and react oppositely.
Most animals lack the complexity of critical thinking and instead use survival instincts to drive their actions. Survival comes first, so they let their bodies tell them what to do. They have a unique experience with the natural world because of their direct exposure to it.
Animals are much more sensitive to stimuli than humans. They use their sensory organs to understand where to go and what to do. When we do something to alter this communication, their reactions are completely unbiased. This means an animal will never experience the “placebo effect” that humans do.
People mostly use PEMF on dogs, cats, horses, and cattle. Most of these animals spend large quantities of time outside. This allows them to regularly experience Grounding, or Earthing (direct contact with the surface of the Earth). Even when they are inside, they still connect with the Earth because they are so sensitive.
Humans were very in tune with the Earth’s magnetic field when we spent most of our time outside with bare feet. Because of our current lifestyles, we have lost most of that connection. We spend the majority of our time inside, wearing non- conductive shoes while being constantly in contact with electronics.

Low Intensity vs. High Intensity
When using PEMF technology on animals, the individual animal should determine the intensity. Like people, every animal will have it’s own tolerance level. For most animals, low or medium intensity will be the most tolerable. For some animals, high intensity will be the best.
All areas of the body react differently to intensity. For example, the lower limbs are mostly bone, tendons, and ligaments. These areas can easily tolerate higher intensity PEMF. When you move closer to the body, some muscles are very sensitive and require much lower intensity.
PEMF is cellular exercise, and we can easily compare it to regular exercise. When starting physical exercise, you begin with a low baseline. Over time, you increase the intensity as your body can tolerate it. When introducing PEMF sessions to an animal, their intensity tolerance gradually increases over time.
When To Adjust Intensity?
Animals are intuitive about what feels good (or not), and will show signs to alert you that something needs adjusting. Some signs are very direct and straightforward, and some are quite subtle. Let’s look at a few ways to determine when intensity needs adjusting.

Certain parts of an animal’s body can be sensitive. Knowing animal anatomy is vital so you can adjust your intensity correctly during a session. Some common areas of sensitivity are the head, hip flexors, hamstrings and the stomach/belly area. If an animal has an injury, that area is also very sensitive.
An animal’s behavior shows what they are experiencing. If the magnetic field intensity is too much for them, you might see some of these signs:
If the PEMF system is set to comfortable levels, you an animal might show these signs:
Visible Pulsing
While all PEMF is good PEMF, you must be careful not to over-Pulse the animal. One way this can happen is by using too much intensity in one area.
When Pulsing a specific area of an animal’s body, you should see that area moving. Because muscles and tissues are interconnected, you may also observe pulsing in other areas. Pay attention to all of these areas, and never let any section Pulse so hard that it appears painful.
As an example, let’s say you are out in the barn Pulsing a horse. You have the loops draped over its shoulder, and you see muscle contractions happening. The horse looks content and unbothered. However, you look down to its hind end, and see the same level of muscle contractions there.
Despite the horse displaying signs of being comfortable, you would not want to continue Pulsing at these levels. If you did, the horse can easily become sore from too much stimulation. When visible Pulsing has subsided, this may be the time to increase the intensity.
Keep in mind that this will not be the case when Pulsing the legs. There is not much muscle in the lower limbs. They are mostly bone, tendons, and ligaments and do not display contractions when Pulsing.
When using PEMF on themselves, people commonly enjoy sessions of low intensity. They add in short periods of time with higher intensity in focus areas.
Animal sessions can have this framework as well. You can utilize low intensity and increase it in the regions that need more. After about 10-15 minutes, reduce it to a lower intensity.
Intuition plays a significant role in knowing how to correctly adjust your PEMF system. Many Pulse Professionals are very intuitive when it comes to animals.
It is a common practice to increase the intensity to see if the animal’s threshold has altered. If there are no muscle contractions, they can turn up the intensity. They can then note any changes in the body, and continue to adjust to ensure maximum efficacy. They can also detect when they need to lower the intensity.
When adjusting PEMF intensity for animals, there is no one size fits all. Every animal that has a PEMF session is unique, just like people. While there is a standard of appropriate PEMF usage, the animal you Pulse may ultimately be the opposite of what you expect! Always focus on what the animal tells you at that moment and adjust to their comfort.