PEMF sessions may be an integral part of your wellness regimen, but maybe you haven’t considered the benefits of owning your own Pulse machine. Those who purchase a PEMF system for personal use understand the amazing benefits of full-time access to a home PEMF unit. Here are some of the advantages to owning a machine for personal use…
Unlimited Access to PEMF Power
Unlimited access to home PEMF allows you to pulse anytime you want, day or night, even for extended periods. This creates an opportunity for you to pulse whenever it’s convenient for you, not just when your Pulse Professional’s office is open. Owners who have personal machines average more overall Pulsing time. This may be crucial for those with ambitious wellness goals.
Even the healthiest individuals see the advantage of a home unit. After all, PEMF makes for an energizing morning routine or a relaxing evening ritual. Many owners even enjoy sleeping on their Total Body Bed or sitting on a Chair Pad while watching TV or reading a book.
Eliminate the Commute
Owners of personal Pulse machines don’t have to travel anywhere to enjoy the benefits of PEMF. Whether you work from home or regularly commute, you can appreciate the time saved by having a PEMF unit in your own home. Oftentimes, distance becomes a barrier for taking advantage of powerful PEMF technology. If the nearest Pulse Professional is 2 hours away, you may still make time for visits. However, you probably won’t experience as much PEMF as you want or your body needs.
PEMF for the Family
Of course, the benefits of PEMF extend beyond the individual owner. In fact, the whole family—parents, relatives, children, pets, and all—can experience the power of Pulse technology. Having a unit of your own allows you to bring enhanced natural recovery and optimized wellness into your family.
Ideal Machine for Home PEMF